Cathy Weis’s work Gravity Twins premiered at The Kitchen in the winter of 1998. The piece was a continuation of her last show, Fractured, Just the Fracts Ma’am, from 1996. Weis, a former ballet dancer turned experimental performance choreographer, integrated prerecorded video images and sound with live dance. This piece centered around Weis’s interest in invisible forces, including both the powers of nature and the relationships between people. The piece included three sets of twins with their own unique performative elements. The first pair included Jennifer Miller and Annie Iobst, interpreting a “wild burlesque show” with moving live video. The second set of twins consisted of Ishmael Houston-Jones and Jennifer Monson, in a performance focused more on dreamlike memory and individual personalities. The final pair was Scott Heron and Cathy Weis, together composing a more “quirky” piece with objects falling from the ceiling.