Inspired by the story of the Galli, followers of the Goddess Cybelle, Justin Vivian Bond and the House of Whimsy presented Re:Galli Blonde (A Sissy Fix), an evening of music and spectacle, at The Kitchen from October 22-23, 27-30 in 2010. Bond starred as faith healer Kathryn Kuhlman, based on the eponymous evangelist from Missouri, who appeared anachronistically beside the Galli, ancient gender-variant priests and priestesses, in their temple. Members of the House of Whimsy (Heather Acs, Nath Ann Carrera, Matthew Crosland, Enid Ellen, Faux Pas, Nicholas Gorham, Hucklefaery, Pearl Lin, Glenn Marla, Emily Nepon, John Parker, Viva Ruiz, Alaska Thunderfuck 5000 and Santiago Venegas) performed the history of the Galli, their worship of nature, trees, and femininity, for Kuhlman, who then asked how femme-phobia, trans-phobia, and homophobia affected their lives. The show featured sets and costumes by Machine Dazzle, lighting by Ben Kato, and hair by Wigbar. Ana Mari De Quesada was the Production Manager.