Premiered and screened at The Kitchen in February 1981, A Coupla White Faggots Sitting Around Talking was a video play written by Gary Indiana and directed by the pioneering video artist Michel Auder. Starring Indiana as Dom and Taylor Mead as Rippley, the video play presented two bored and wealthy homosexuals that became interconnected because of their daily inexhaustible conversations about the insufficiencies of their own love lives. Auder combined the medium of video and the downtown scene and biographically approached this work, featuring his other close friends—Alice Neel, Cookie Mueller, Jackie Curtis, Jackie Raynal, Madeline LeRoux, Geoffry Carey, Terryl Robinson, Florence Lambert, Anthony Mc Call, Alexandra Auder, Earl Perry, Peter Sapienza, Sharon Niesp, and Robert B. Smith. Composed of multiple short sequences, Auder edited A Coupla White Faggots Sitting Around Talking to resemble a regular TV soap opera.